Cormoran Strike Casting

Breaking news that I just couldn’t wait to share!

Finally, after years of nothing on the news front there has movement about the television adaptation of Robert Galbraith’s, pseudonym for JK Rowling, novels about a army veteran detective. I’m 100% so excited about this development.

Image result for tom burkeThe man taking on the complex role of larger than life detective Cormoran Strike is Tom Burke, a veteran member of the BBC most famously known for his portrayal of Athos in the recent series adaptation of Alexandre Dumas’ novel ‘The Three Musketeers’.

He’s the Strike I hadn’t even considered, but now can’t imagine as anyone else. He knows how to play brooding and withdrawn, is handsome enough to appeal to a whole new audience and talented enough to handle the role with ease. I agree wholeheartedly with this casting choice.

But just who is Cormoran Strike?Image result for cuckoos calling Good question.

He’s a complex fellow with a broad and troubled background, toughened by a childhood life on the road and by serving in the army. When we first meet him he’s broken up with the love of his life, living in his office and verging on bankruptcy. To say he’s seen better days would be a slight understatement.

He’s a damaged soul with a lot of baggage- fighting through the mess of his life whilst trying to help others fix their own. It will be interesting to see how Burke goes about portraying him.

There are three novels in the series so far; ‘The Cuckoo’s Calling’, ‘The Silkworm’ and ‘Career of Evil’- and all three are impossible to put down. I loved the twists and turns that RowliImage result for the silkwormng, under the false name of Galbraith, has become known for, I loved the comradery between Strike and his assistant Robin, as well as the occasional tension in their relationship. It’s a fun mixture of the dark and dangerous combined with the bright lights of fame, a swirling of different classes coming together over one crime and people from all walkways of life becoming entangled as Strike and Robin try to solve the murder. They combine the past and the present flawlessly, breaking away at Cormoran’s tough exterior piece by piece so more of him is revealed and we can understand the character progressively.

There hasn’t been any other news on casting so far, and I’m personally most anxious to find out who they are going to cast in the role of Robin EllacoImage result for career of eviltt, the female protagonist in the story and the ying to Strike’s yang. Her chemistry with Strike needs to be spot on all whilst needing to have the allure of being watchable on her own. Robin is not simply a secretary with good looks designed to be there simply for eye candy- she is so much more and whomever is cast needs to be able to be fast paced, intelligent and witty.

I have really high hopes for the series, which I believe is combining the three novels for hour long episodes. It’s a series that means a lot to me and helped me to transition from young adult fiction over to crime novels, introducing me to a whole new genre. It’s a lot of information and storyline to condense down into one hour but I trust that with Rowling’s company helping to produce the series, it’s in good hands.


















‘Me Before You’ FILM REVIEW

Now, a couple of months ago I did a book review on the wonderful novel ‘Me Before You’ by Jo Jo Moyes, so it only felt right to complete the circle with a film review to mame-before-you-poster.jpgtch. Needless to say, I adored this movie. The casting was spot on, the locations were beautiful and the story itself…utterly, utterly heartbreaking. 

But these are all things I already knew- just from the trailer. If I can fault this movie on just one thing, it was the amount of publicity and clips, teasers and trailers that were released before the film itself. I felt like I had nearly seen the whole thing before I even walked into the cinema. Like I said in a previous post, I’m a researcher- I can’t help myself. If Hollywood is going to offer these tid-bits before the film comes out, I’ll gobble them up and then feel guilty afterwards, just like if they were a chocolate cake. It’s the way I’m made. 

But if thats all I can fault this film on, then lovers of the book, you have nothing to fear. 

Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin stole my heart completely as soon as they appeared on screen. They are Lou and Will, completely. they embodied the roles with such passion and tenderness that you really had no doubt they were perfect choices. Well done casting directors, well done indeed. The film, and the book itself are so wonderfully British, not two words we’ve been hearing together all that recently, and these two actors just brought that even more to life. 

The backdrop was perfection, the ageing castles and the quintessential manor house where most of the story is set took my breath away, and reminded me of the beauty that is in the English countryside. I love films that just capture the essence of England, the rolling countrysides and the little tea-shops, the little country lanes and the brightly coloured terrace houses with their overgrown front lawns- I love it. And ‘Me Before You’ really captures the best of it all. 

Lou’s outfits and clothing choices were a real show-stopper and play a very strong theme throughout the entire book, therefore I was so glad to see it wasn’t diluted or forgotten about in the film. Whilst the novel goes into more depth about why she chooses to dress the way she does, with bright colours and numerous layers and all around general wackiness, the film didn’t touch upon that certain subject, which I am in two minds about. Unfortunately, her reason behind her attitude and clothing is so heartbreaking it would have had you in tears a lot earlier on in the movie- Lou goes through some tough times before the beginning of the novel, and it changes her as a person, knocks her life onto a different path. And whilst in a book the length and depth of a novel allows you to recover, to recollect yourself and pace your emotions- it’s not something you can do with a film. But, on the other hand, its a subject that needs to be addressed urgently and in a manner that supports those involved. I don’t want to spoil the novel for people who haven’t read the book yet, so if you don’t know what I’m talking about, you know what to do. 

The supporting cast was wonderful as well, all recognisable faces who bought the characters to life with such conviction and loyalty to the original text and the characters that Moyes has created. Charles Dance and Jenna Coleman are but a few of the stellar actors who were part of this film, and they were wonderful. I seriously cannot fault them. 

The storyline flows well, it’s a classic story of boy dislikes girl, girl dislikes boy and yet we watch as they grow to like and eventually love one another. It’s a story that has been told many, many times over- and so it’s a story that needs a twist to make it stand out, to make it something special. And whilst it remained cliché in some places, it became totally original in others. The twist in the story is Will’s paralysis, and the role they play in each other’s life. You expect Lou to change Will’s life, to show him that it’s worth living for- yet somehow those roles reverse and it’s Will teaching Lou that there is so much more potential for her in the world. 

As I said before, there are many topics within the film that can be seen as emotionally distressing or particularly sensitive. There is the theme of Euthanasia, Claflin’s character becoming paralysed from the neck down and wanting to end his life in Switzerland. There was an outcry when the film was released about this particular theme as many believed it cast disabled people as a burden on their families etc… Perhaps that is how it can be perceived, but I believe this film just shows one case in particular. Claflin’s character is clearly shown, on multiple occasions, to have led a very active and adventurous lifestyle before his accident. Moyes writes the character so you believe that he is truly unhappy with his own predicament, not because he believes the world would be better off without him- something I think is portrayed on the screen as well. 

But, it’s a film that made me laugh, it made me cry, and it made me leave the cinema feeling content that justice had been done to the book and that the story had been told right. A definite must-see with either your partner or your girlfriends. Either way, just bring some tissues. 



‘May Day Murder’ Book Review

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- I love a good crime novel. From the real gritty novels of Jo Nesbo to the more beachside read of Janet Evanovich, recently I cannot get enough of them. It’s an obsession. may day murder

And there is one series I am LOVING at the moment- ‘The Whitstable Pearl Mysteries’ by Julie Wassmer, ‘May Day Murder’ being the third in the series. Living in Whitstable myself, there’s a certain home pride when it comes to reading these novels, set in the picturesque seaside town in the South East of England. It’s amazing to be able to read these novels and really know the places Wassmer writes about. Of course, not everyone is from Whitstable and cannot enjoy this luxury, but that is no reason not to read them. 

Following the life of Pearl Nolan, a single mother who owns a local restaurant and has recently started up her own detective agency, we follow this remarkably likeable and down to earth character as she solves murders in her home town of Whitstable. It’s a great light read (I finished it in a day!) that is warm hearted and almost an ode to the town and the people who live there. 

Wassmer creates characters you can relate to, as well as become suspicious of. As someone who loves mystery but wants answers more, I’m always desperate to find out who the murderer is- but in this novel I was kept guessing right to the end, and was not disappointed when the killer was finally revealed. But the murder of Faye Marlow, big Hollywood star coming back to her birth town for the May Day celebrations yet instead causes old memories and conflicts to arise, is not the only mystery that is revealed by Pearl and her detective love interest Mike McGuire throughout the story. It’s a real nail-biter, trust me.  

The story is a lovely mixture of mystery, crime, romance and family values that when combined creates a wonderful world to read about. It’s a picturesque novel that is thoroughly enjoyable and proves that these characters, and the world that Wassmer has created within Whitstable, has so much more to give. With 20 years of writing gritty scripts for Eastenders under her belt, Wassmer has chosen to write her prose with a lighter and warmer feel, and that even though the story is about murder, you still get the feeling that everything will work out in the end, that Pearl and her little comfortable life she’s living in Whitstable with her son and her mother Dolly (my personal favourite character) will spread out through the pages and bring some calm and tranquility into your own life.  

My only criticism of the piece was that there was so much focus on trying to keep the murderer a secret, from both the characters and the readers, that the various twists and reveals with regards to the other characters sometimes felt a little obvious. I’m not going to give anything away, heaven forbid I reveal any spoilers, but maybe I’ve just read too many crime novels all in one go that I could guess the secrets before the reveal. But what I figured out quite easily was made up for in the huge shocker of who the murderer was. Did not see that one coming! 

I would highly recommend reading this series, whether you’re from Whitstable or not, just for the light easy read it offers and the thrilling suspense of finding out ‘whodunnit’. I’ve already given at least four of my friends my copies and passed the name on to so many more. 

And now I’m recommending it to you, so get reading! 


‘Wicked Charms’ Book Review

wicked charmsRecently I’ve been expanding my type of genre when it comes to books. Growing up I was dependant on romance, to read about girls who had everything I wanted. Young Adult fiction became my crutch during the boring days of my teenage years. 

But now I find myself craving something a little different. When voicing these concerns a family member suggested I move onto to something that would ease me into another genre- a crossover perhaps. With that she handed me the first in a series by Janet Evanovich, ‘Wicked Appetite’- a crime novel with a light hearted comedy feel and a fabulously sexy duo with tension that could be cut with a knife. Without a doubt, I was hooked. And explains why I read the second novel, ‘Wicked Business’ in a matter of days. OK, more like hours. 

Which is why I was so gosh-darn excited for the third book to be published. I knew Evanovich was co-writing this novel with another author by the name Phoef Sutton, someone I hadn’t heard of before, and I was a little apprehensive. Would it have the same off the cuff and witty one liners Evanovich was so well known for writing? Would the tension between Diesel and Lizzie still be red hot? These were all genuine questions I had buzzing around my head leading up to the publication date. 

But it turns out…I needn’t have worried. Evanovich and Sutton work amazingly together, and the stories in this series just keep getting better and better. Now that the characters are well fleshed out and as familiar to me as the family member who introduced us, the plot lines and crime aspects really take precedence and you start to understand where the authors are heading within this series. 

And I love the characters, I really do- they are lovable and sweet with a wicked sense of humour. No pun intended. Alright, maybe a little. And whilst a few of them seem a little too goofy to be real people, or perhaps too helpful that makes our heroes’ journey just that much easier, they are fun to read about. From the guy who can’t stop talking like a pirate even when he’s off duty to the finger flipping pet monkey Carl, you can’t help laugh out loud at them all. 

The story revolves around Lizzie Tucker, a cupcake baker living in Salem who discovers she possesses a magical sense that allows her to locate stones that have the abilities of the Seven Deadly Sins. Sounds odd written down, for sure, but combined with Evanovich’s comedic writing style and the murder mystery sub-plot that keeps the suspense building it works. The other protagonist is the mysterious Diesel who acts as Lizzie’s guide, and therefore ours as well, to the supernatural and the world of magic. He too possesses some magical ability of his own, and to keep the sexual tension alive as the series continues, neither can be with one another for fear of losing their magical skills. It’s both convenient and slightly hilarious at times.

While the crime aspect doesn’t exactly match the level of gore or suspense as say Stephen King or Jo Nesbo, there are moments that will surprise and shock you. However it is not the main focus of the storyline and takes a back seat to the comedy and relationships between the characters. It is a gateway novel from romance into the crime genre, and a perfect start for people looking to make the switch. 

There are two main storylines within this novel- the stand alone one that focuses on the particular stone of Lust and the character’s quest to find it, and the overall arc of Lizzy and Diesel’s fight against the main villain of the story- Diesel’s not so nice cousin Wulf who is also after the stones for his own nefarious ways. Not much is known about Wulf up to this point, and I think Evanovich plans to keep it that way- he’s been labelled the ‘tall mysterious man’ and he really lives up to his name. But his role ties in nicely with both storylines as he simultaneously hinders and helps our heroes along the way. 

It’s a feel good novel to read during your down time or on holiday. It’s a series I have grown to love as I have read each book, and is one I happy to read over and over again whilst waiting for the next in the series. If you’re looking for something a little different and light hearted, yet want to stray away from the cliche romances thrown at the female demographic, this is the book, and the series, for you. 


‘Me Before You’ Book Review

The course of true love never did run smooth. And it’s an idea that writers have been running with for hundreds of years. From star crossed lovers to the friend-zoned comedy relief, it’s a tried and tested method to a great love story filled with enough twists and turns to keep us interested. 

And my new obsession is another of these stories- the wonderful novel ‘Me Before You’ by Jo Jo Moyes. Told from the perspective of a young woman recently out of a job desperately searching for another to keep her family afloat. 

Set in a picturesque English town, she stumbles across a job being a carer for a recently disabled man. Now, like most love stories, you know how the basics play out. A somewhat reclusive and bad tempered young man comes into contact with a bright, bubbly, colourful young girl and they inspire one another to become better, more well rounded versions of themselves. But this novel is so much more than simply that. It’s a tale thats been told before with a completely fresh and inspired twist. 

It’s hard not to fall in love with the young Louisa, who is so much more than the ditzy eccentric woman you believe her to be at the beginning of the novel. And as we see the world through her eyes, the people around her capture your heart as they do hers. Will Traynor, the man who two years prior to the novel finds himself trapped in a wheelchair unable to move from the neck down, is less than pleased when his mother hires Louisa to be his carer and companion, knowing full well of her true motives. 

The book hits you with heart felt revelations and surprises throughout the story, capturing you with well written and thoughtful prose as well as a beautiful character to experience the novel with. I was in a bit of a reading funk before I found this book, struggling to find something that really caught my attention and made me want to stop doing anything apart from just read one page after another…and then this gem came along. It really captures you from the first page, one of only about six to be told from Will’s perspective but riddled with foreshadowing and cliffhangers that get you hooked. The point of view then changes to Louisa’s for the rest of the novel, and we get to see the repercussions of the first few pages through her eyes. 

The novel is well paced and progresses nicely from Louisa’s comfort zone and into the unknown. Louisa is our guide, she experiences things as the readers do. This is a comfort to a novel that touches upon a lot of topics that can be hard to talk about, such as disablement or suicide. Moyes write about such matters in a way that enlightens and informs the reader yet still allows the magic of the love story to shine through. It’s a practical romantic novel, one of my favourite kinds. 

Overall it was a refreshing and fun novel full of heart and gloriously romantic. A must read for anyone who needs a little love in their life. 

And for those who aren’t big readers, have no fear! The wonderful people at Hollywood have made a movie version for us all to enjoy, coming this June! So we can all enjoy Will and Louisa’s story on the big screen as well. Just don’t forget your tissues, because you will get weepy. 
