‘Suicide Squad’ FILM REVIEW


suicide-squad-posterI had such high hopes. Now, that may seem a pretty harsh way to begin a review, and don’t get me wrong there are definitely some defining and memorable moments throughout this film I really enjoyed but…there just could have been so much more. 

More Captain Boomerang, more Katana, more Joker…the list is endless. It’s meant to be a ‘squad’ and Lord knows everyone under the sun knows what that means thanks to T-Swift and her friends, but really it just felt like the Deadshot and Harley Quinn show. And whilst I really loved those characters I did feel like we didn’t get a chance to really see the others shine like we know they have the potential to do. 

Origin stories are always hard- you want to give the audience enough information so the present storyline makes sense but you don’t want to load them down with too many flashbacks and stoic moments where the characters wonder how they got to this point in their lives. It really is a delicate balance, and I’m not one hundred percent sure that ‘Suicide Squad’ nailed it. There was a lot of flashbacks rammed into the storyline Image result for suicide squad harley quinn and deadshotthat made it feel jolty and at times slightly confusing. The flashbacks themselves were not in order, we saw Harley both pre and post Joker in random sequences, so you were never completely sure of the timeline. 

Will Smith killed it, naturally- his talent for humour and timing shining through in the character of Deadshot very nicely and offering comic relief in the darkest moments. His relationship with army man Rick Flag, portrayed by Joel Kinnaman, was also a highlight for me as I enjoyed their comradery and to-and-fro sarcasm throughout the film, the contrast between good and evil yet joining together to fight for a cause. And the attitude he holds towards Viola Davis’ Amanda Waller had me laughing out loud, particularly his ‘How are you not dead?’ delivery. Flawless.

After all the hype behind the multiple trailers, posters, teasImage result for deadshot and rick flaggers and radio adverts run throughout the months leading up to the films release I felt a little disappointed however about the amount of screen time the Joker got. He was supposed to be the ultimate bad guy- Jared Leto clearly put his all into it and yet he was used almost as a side piece. An idea to show Harley Quinn’s backstory and nothing more. He played a slight comic relief that didn’t really live up to his potential. And I’m not the only one disappointed in the portrayal- Leto himself has said he was upset with the way he had been placed into the film, believing that the potential of the role was not explored fully.

Needless to say, fans felt tricked and slightly let down by the filmmakers in regards to what they thought to be a major story arc. There seems to be promises of more in the extended cut, but I’ll reserve any kind of judgement until I see it for myself.

With that, the big bad guy was anything but. And trust me, it wounds me to writes suchImage result for suicide squad enchantress words. I LOVE Cara Delevingne, and I have for years. When she made the leap to acting I was thrilled, simply because it meant we would see more of her on the big screen. But, I feel she took on too much, too soon. This character is not well thought out or portrayed at all, and I feel that is only part Delevingne’s issue. She gets the June Moon persona nailed down, the scared unknowing woman who doesn’t understand the powerful being inside her- however when she makes the transition to Enchantress, something gets lost in translation. She becomes comedic, but not in a good sense. She becomes sexualised, scantily dressed and gyrating around whilst everyone else gets in on the action. She is given an odd CGI voice and look, and somehow the reality of the film, already hanging by a thread due to it’s nature, is completely lost. It’s heart-breaking, simply because the potential is there and not acted upon. However, I do think the other enemy Amanda Waller was portrayed in justice. Viola Davis bought the right amount of patriotic loyalty and emotionless drive to make her hated by the characters and audience alike. Her dominant role throughout the film, to me, seemed to be simply to make the audience side with the protagonists, the ‘squad’ who even though they are quintessentially evil you find yourself rooting for them to succeed. It’s a redemption story, and Waller is the catalyst for succession.

The CGI and special effects was another issue for me- I feel this is just becoming a list of complaints but roll with it, we will get there- simply because it didn’t live up to other aspects of the film. Characters are humorous and attention grabbing for the most part, and I enjoyed laughing along with them. however, I did not enjoy laughing at the CGI because I was SUPPOSED to laugh at it. It was an awkward laugh because it was unbelievable- the whole point of CGI is to make us believe what we are seeing is real, that it really, truly exists- and there were points that succeeded, such as El Diablo’s (another underrated character) full transformation.

A highlight for me was the soundtrack- it kept the film alive and rolling. It succinctly narrated the film and kept the feel of a comedic superhero film going, even if some of the songs did feel a little out of place. I also enjoyed the not so subtle tie-ins to the Justice League upcoming films, the reveal of the Flash and the return of Affleck’s Batman. That last one is a bit of a stretch as I have strong mixed feelings towards ol’ Ben’s Batman, but that’s for another day and post. But I love a good tie-in, and teasers are my weakness. The more interactions they have the more real the characters become to be- it gives them a sense of history, a past we are only just starting to learn.

The film ends ambiguously, I think- they leave it wide open with the Joker re-appearing, naturally, with the options of numerous sequels. There are a number of villains that could potentially be lined up for the squad to defeat- Harley, Deadshot, Killer Croc and Boomerang are all still in Belle Reve, and El Diablo’s fate seems slightly equivocal. I’m not sure how I feel about this situation. As a story arc, Enchantress is defeated and the squad benefit from being temporarily good- we get to see an aspect of humanity and vulnerability to them all that I like.

I left the cinema with mixed feelings- I found it enjoyable whilst I watched it, but the more I thought about it the more flaws I found. It seems to be a trait I find forming with regards to DC movies recently. Overall, it’s a feel good movie that is watchable enough but should be a definite miss for those die-hard comic fans, or really anyone who knows anything about the original comic characters. Sadly, the film just didn’t do them justice.


‘Me Before You’ FILM REVIEW

Now, a couple of months ago I did a book review on the wonderful novel ‘Me Before You’ by Jo Jo Moyes, so it only felt right to complete the circle with a film review to mame-before-you-poster.jpgtch. Needless to say, I adored this movie. The casting was spot on, the locations were beautiful and the story itself…utterly, utterly heartbreaking. 

But these are all things I already knew- just from the trailer. If I can fault this movie on just one thing, it was the amount of publicity and clips, teasers and trailers that were released before the film itself. I felt like I had nearly seen the whole thing before I even walked into the cinema. Like I said in a previous post, I’m a researcher- I can’t help myself. If Hollywood is going to offer these tid-bits before the film comes out, I’ll gobble them up and then feel guilty afterwards, just like if they were a chocolate cake. It’s the way I’m made. 

But if thats all I can fault this film on, then lovers of the book, you have nothing to fear. 

Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin stole my heart completely as soon as they appeared on screen. They are Lou and Will, completely. they embodied the roles with such passion and tenderness that you really had no doubt they were perfect choices. Well done casting directors, well done indeed. The film, and the book itself are so wonderfully British, not two words we’ve been hearing together all that recently, and these two actors just brought that even more to life. 

The backdrop was perfection, the ageing castles and the quintessential manor house where most of the story is set took my breath away, and reminded me of the beauty that is in the English countryside. I love films that just capture the essence of England, the rolling countrysides and the little tea-shops, the little country lanes and the brightly coloured terrace houses with their overgrown front lawns- I love it. And ‘Me Before You’ really captures the best of it all. 

Lou’s outfits and clothing choices were a real show-stopper and play a very strong theme throughout the entire book, therefore I was so glad to see it wasn’t diluted or forgotten about in the film. Whilst the novel goes into more depth about why she chooses to dress the way she does, with bright colours and numerous layers and all around general wackiness, the film didn’t touch upon that certain subject, which I am in two minds about. Unfortunately, her reason behind her attitude and clothing is so heartbreaking it would have had you in tears a lot earlier on in the movie- Lou goes through some tough times before the beginning of the novel, and it changes her as a person, knocks her life onto a different path. And whilst in a book the length and depth of a novel allows you to recover, to recollect yourself and pace your emotions- it’s not something you can do with a film. But, on the other hand, its a subject that needs to be addressed urgently and in a manner that supports those involved. I don’t want to spoil the novel for people who haven’t read the book yet, so if you don’t know what I’m talking about, you know what to do. 

The supporting cast was wonderful as well, all recognisable faces who bought the characters to life with such conviction and loyalty to the original text and the characters that Moyes has created. Charles Dance and Jenna Coleman are but a few of the stellar actors who were part of this film, and they were wonderful. I seriously cannot fault them. 

The storyline flows well, it’s a classic story of boy dislikes girl, girl dislikes boy and yet we watch as they grow to like and eventually love one another. It’s a story that has been told many, many times over- and so it’s a story that needs a twist to make it stand out, to make it something special. And whilst it remained cliché in some places, it became totally original in others. The twist in the story is Will’s paralysis, and the role they play in each other’s life. You expect Lou to change Will’s life, to show him that it’s worth living for- yet somehow those roles reverse and it’s Will teaching Lou that there is so much more potential for her in the world. 

As I said before, there are many topics within the film that can be seen as emotionally distressing or particularly sensitive. There is the theme of Euthanasia, Claflin’s character becoming paralysed from the neck down and wanting to end his life in Switzerland. There was an outcry when the film was released about this particular theme as many believed it cast disabled people as a burden on their families etc… Perhaps that is how it can be perceived, but I believe this film just shows one case in particular. Claflin’s character is clearly shown, on multiple occasions, to have led a very active and adventurous lifestyle before his accident. Moyes writes the character so you believe that he is truly unhappy with his own predicament, not because he believes the world would be better off without him- something I think is portrayed on the screen as well. 

But, it’s a film that made me laugh, it made me cry, and it made me leave the cinema feeling content that justice had been done to the book and that the story had been told right. A definite must-see with either your partner or your girlfriends. Either way, just bring some tissues. 



Top Five Films Coming Soon

Suicide Squad 

suicide-squad-posterThis is without a doubt the film I am most excited about out of this year’s releases. With an all star cast and a great twist on the classic ‘superhero’ movie, it’s bound to be amazing. It’s still a superhero movie, only…told from the side of the villains. 

Will Smith and Margot Robbie head up the team, or ‘Squad’ if you like, of these misfits and vandals, captured and used by the government for their own gain. It’s the bad guys trying to go good, however reluctantly. 

Jared Leto takes the mantel of ‘the Joker’ and from the trailers clearly has his own memorable twist on the role. 

The trailer is supported by a truly awesome soundtrack and punchy one-liners, and is definitely going to be the movie of the summer. 

Release Date: 5th August 2016

Beauty and The Beast 

beauty and the beastThe re-telling and live animation of the Disney classic is coming to the big screens, and the little girl in me is so very pleased about this news. Now, I know, touching something that is already, in my opinion, perfect, is always a risky move, but after the success of ‘Cinderella’ and ‘Malificent’, I have to say I have high hopes. 

I’m excited to see Emma Watson take on the role of Belle, to don the yellow dress and descend the staircase in the graceful way we know she’s capable of. 

Looks-wise, the cast is stellar. Josh Gad as the comic relief, Luke Evans as Gaston…it’s perfect. 

The only thing that’s upsetting is how long we have to wait until the release date. 

Release Date: March 2017

Star Trek 

star-trek-beyond-posterThe third film of the re-boot series is being released just around the corner, and it promises to be bigger and better than ever before. Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and Zoe Saldana are back in the iconic roles of Kirk, Spock and Uhura, whilst Idris Elba is the newcomer playing the villain. 

The characters and the storyline seem to be pushing the boundaries even more than before, going into unchartered territory, hence the ‘beyond’ in the title, and facing the dangers within.

I’m looking forward to seeing the veterans return and explore their relationships further, as well as the CGI and new worlds Justin Lin and Simon Pegg will have created.

Release Date: 22nd July 2016  


inferno-movie-2016-poster-international-500x741I’m in two minds of Dan Brown’s novels- I do enjoy them but they are also often ‘fact overload’ which derives from the storyline. But, I cannot deny how much I enjoy the movie adaptations, especially with Tom Hanks playing the lead role of Robert Langdon.

I love the art, the history, the symbology and the combination of adventure and excitement that binds the story together. It’s action and educational. 

Felicity Jones plays his leading lady in this particular film, playing Dr Sienna Brooks, a brilliant doctor with a mysterious past. I’ll say no more. 

The film, and the novel, features around ‘Dantes’ Inferno’ which makes Langdon invaluable to solving whichever crisis is about to hit. It’s up to him to save the world, yet again. 

Release Date: 14th October 2016

Jason Bourne 

jason-bourne-poster-teaser-620x981Jason Bourne is back, baby! And Matt Damon is too. Regardless of the not so creative name of the film, I guess the poster is right, I’m really excited about this movie. 

I love Matt Damon’s portrayal of the super spy Bourne, and it will be interesting to see him back in action. 

The storyline appears to be continuing on from ‘Ultimatum’, with Bourne still trying to piece together the last fragments of his lost memory whilst the government come up with new technological ways to hunt him down. 

The trailers promises a lot of brawls, car chases and nail biting moments that we’ve come to expect from a Bourne film. 

Release Date: 27th July 2016

EXTRA: Tomb Raider 

I just had to put in a little line about the recent news about the Lara Croft: Tomb Raider re-boot movie series as they have released the news that Alicia Vikander, from films such as ‘The Danish Girl’ and ‘Testament of Youth’ will be playing the lead role. I may have had mixed feelings when they first announced the re-boot, but with Vikander at the helm I’m starting to shift from apprehensive to excited. It will be interesting to see how they approach this already iconic role. 

The Return of Winter

*This is a work of fiction*

The call came through just as Detective Dylan Carter was prepared to call it a night. He was sitting staring blankly at his computer screen, willing it to reveal some clue he was convinced he had missed, when the shrill sound of the phone jolted him back to reality. His partner, pacing the width of his desk opposite him, leapt and grabbed the receiver, jamming it to his ear.



‘Huh-huh. Huh-huh.’

Another pause. Carter picked up a pen and started to roll it between his fingers.

‘You’re sure?’ Hollis stopped pacing. ‘Alice, don’t fuck with me.’

Carter heard the woman on the other end laugh and couldn’t stop the grin growing on his own face.

‘Great, thanks Alice,’ Hollis hung up a few moments later and whistled for Carter’s attention.

‘Yo, time to move. Alice said the blood work came through positive. The chief is working on the warrant now.’

Carter threw the pen down on the desk and stood up, grabbing his jacket off the back of his chair.

‘You serious? It’s a match?’

‘Near perfect. Your boy Garrett is going away for a long time.’

The two men fell into step together as they left the precinct and headed towards Carter’s SUV, the closest thing to a baby Carter was ever going to have.

‘You got a home address?’ Carter asked. Hollis shook his head.

‘I can do you one better- work.’

Carter’s head snapped round to look at his partner.

‘No fucking way. They just handed that over to you?’

Hollis smiled a shit eating grin.

‘I may have had to use my powers of persuasion.’

Carter didn’t ask any more questions. He really didn’t want to know.

‘Hang on, who’d you persuade? There’s no way the boys down in the Drug Department gave you Garrett’s address-‘

‘I didn’t talk to those assholes. Meredith in trafficking gave it to me. Good and hard,’ Hollis added, making Carter roll his eyes.

‘What does she have-? No…’ he said, grinning.

‘Oh yes. Our boy’s being tracked for human trafficking and prostitution. Seriously, is there any pie this guy doesn’t have his finger stuck in?’

The street lamps had started flickering on, paving the road as they sped toward their destination. A large abandoned warehouse on the South Side. Carter couldn’t help thinking how much of a cliché it all was.


‘ETA in four minutes,’ Hollis replied. They both got out of the car and headed round the back, popping the trunk. Carter grabbed his bulletproof vest before handing another to Hollis. He and his partner may have been known around the precinct as reckless, but they were also well seasoned cops who knew the importance of a vest. They both had the scars to prove it.

‘Looks dead. You sure this is the place?’ Carter asked three minutes later. He was getting restless, finding it hard to stay still. Joe Garrett had been his personal ghost for the past three years, and he really needed to nail this guy.

‘Don’t blame me, blame the source,’ Hollis shrugged.

‘Who, your girlfriend?’

‘Ain’t my girlfriend,’ Hollis threw back.

Carter chuckled, and started to edge forward. He un-holstered his gun and heard Hollis do the same behind him. Together they crept forward, staying close to the side of the building and listening for the sounds of movement coming from nearby. Carter could feel his trigger finger itching, holding the gun tightly as he edged forward.

‘How we gonna celebrate?’ Hollis said softly.

Carter rolled his eyes. ‘Let’s nail this guy first. Then decide what the fuck we’re gonna get drunk on.’

‘I like the sound of that.’

Just at that moment the call came through their earpieces that the backup had arrived and were in position- snipers on the roof of the building opposite, guns trained on the only door visible. Either Garrett was stupid or risky; because Carter knew one door meant one way in and out. It made him calculate the odds in his head- they were either gonna find girls, guns or drugs in this warehouse, and the one door was screaming odds in favour of the first.

‘Hollis. Call for an ambulance.’


‘Got a gut instinct going on.’

‘Ah, shit.’

Carter heard his partner bark a few words into his earpiece before calling emergency services. ‘They’re on their way. What you think we gonna find in there?’

‘I dunno. But I don’t think it’s what we are looking for.’

There was a quick countdown and the two men along with ten others stormed through the door into the building, guns held shoulder height and announcing who they were. Three men guarding the warehouse began firing back, and Carter ducked behind some crates and barrels to the side, ducking his head against the gunfire.

He was getting too old for this shit.

Finally the three men were down and silence prevailed, only one of their men injured. Carter checked on him before heading further into the warehouse, wanting to see what Garrett had been storing. Checking the three dead men, he was disappointed to find none of them were Garrett himself, but rather his lackeys. Fuckin’ A.

‘Yo, Carter- where you headed?’

‘There’s a room back here, wanna see what Garrett’s got cooking.’

‘Need backup?’

‘Nah, I got this.’

The door opened into a narrow corridor, numerous doors on either side. Doors with very big locks on them. The doors were old, but the locks looked brand spanking new, causing Carter’s wariness to soar. He kept his gun un-holstered and by his side, eyes darting around for any sudden movement. He came to the first door and decided to risk it, using the butt of his gun to smash against the lock until it broke. He pulled the pieces away and gave the door a shove, stumbling slightly when the door gave way easily. Carter had to wait a moment for his eyes to adjust to the darkness before looking around.

Suddenly, there was movement.

The girl was lying on the bed, scantily clad. Everything that needed to be was covered, Carter thanked God, but the rest left little to the imagination.

Carter strode over to her, putting his gun back in the holster.

‘Hey, you OK?’

The girl looked at him incredulously.

‘I’ve been better.’

Carter reached out a hand for her to take. The girl stared at it for a moment before returning to his gaze.

‘Now you’re offering a hand?’

Carter frowned.


The girl smiled. It was a humourless smile. It looked ugly on her young face.

‘It’s been a while, Dylan. You got old.’

He should be offended, but he was too busy trying to rack his brain, trying to remember this girl. She was all long limbed and delicate features, hair that was dark brown on the top and slowly lightened to blonde at the end. Carter knew that was the fashion these days, but fuck if he understood it.

‘You know me?’

‘Biblically? No.’

He let out a silent breath. Not a scorned lover then. But who-?

‘Holy fuck.’ Now he knew. It had been years, seven to be precise, but he could see it now. The same hazel eyes, same pointed chin. ‘Effie?’

Carter grabbed her arm and pulled her up from the bed, snatching the blanket one of the paramedics had brought and wrapping it round her, both for modesty and warmth.

‘Effie Winter? What the hell are you doing here?’

‘Oh, you know. Just catching a movie. You?’

Carter didn’t respond. Instead, he just stared. Of all the places in the world, this was the last of them he would have expected to see his best friend’s daughter.

‘Come with me,’ he said, holding on firmly to her arm, noting how skinny it was. He led her out of the warehouse and over to one of the ambulances, demanding that a paramedic check her out. He ignored her sounds of protests and promised to rip the paramedic limb from limb if he didn’t take good care of her before heading back over to his SUV where Hollis was waiting.

‘Found one you like?’ Hollis said, nodding back over to Effie.


Hollis clearly noticed the look on Carter’s face because he stopped joking and fell serious.

‘Dude, you OK?’

‘That’s Andy Winter’s kid.’

Hollis looked repeatedly between Carter and where Effie was standing.

‘Are you fucking around?’

Carter shook his head. Hollis let out a low whistle.

‘You seen her since the accident?’

Carter stiffened, the subject still sore.

‘Damn, what happened to her?’

‘No clue. But I plan to find out.’




‘Shadowhunters’ TV REVIEW

Cassandra Clare’s ‘The Mortal Instruments’ have been some of my favourite books for many years. An immensely popular YA fiction series that creates rich characters, wonderful story arcs and twisted relationships that would make a wonderful soap drama in the world of supershadowhuntersnatural. So when they announced they were making a film version a few years ago, I was thrilled. After seeing it, a little less so. Don’t get me wrong, it was good but- it wasn’t exactly gripping. The casting seemed off, too many things were changed from the original text and I just felt some of the magic got lost on the crossover from page to screen. 

But, thank goodness, we as a fandom were given a second chance in the form of a television show. A chance for the media Gods to redeem themselves, if you like. But the whole world was watching, and every eye was on McG and Ed Decter, the shows producers, to do a better job that had been done before. Every member of the fandom had an opinion on who to be cast in the beloved teen roles of Jace and Clary, not to mention Alec, Izzy, Simon and Magnus- and all opinions were different. It seemed an impossible task to get right, but somehow, they managed it. Well, almost managed it. A couple of casting choices seemed a little dubious to me, but we will get to that later. 

Next came the story-line- what parts of the novel were the writers going to keep, and what was going to be added? Would they go completely off book to keep the plot alive and interesting- after all, as much as we love the books, knowing everything that is going to happen before it actually does was bound to get tedious for fans of the novels. The writers had a hard task of sticking to the plot as well as inventing new twists and turns to keep us as viewers captivated. There’s a very thin line between staying true to the original story and throwing it away for artistic license- and with fans as passionate as the ones of ‘The Mortal InstImage result for the mortal instrumentsruments’, it’s not a line you would want to cross.

Especially with regards to the relationships that are present in the novel. With characters as rich and dimensional as the ones Clare had created on the page, there comes a lot of drama, romance and emotions. the fans were desperate for that to come across on the screen as well as it does in the books. The witty banter between Jace and Clary is crucial to their relationship, it’s what makes it stand out and so much fun to read- the shameless flirting from Magnus and the awkward bashfulness from Alec is so important for their journey and had to be included, otherwise it would simply fall flat- both from the writers and the actors. These are characters we know so intimately, after six books plus extras written all about them, it’s easy enough to say you know them as well as your own family. Everyone’s a critic when it comes to something you’re passionate about. 

I personally am much happier with the casting choices, overall, for the TV series than I was for the film. Yes, there are a couple of actors I would have loved to have bought over from film to TV land, such as Jared Harris in the role of Hodge who, to me, was just perfection. I very much enjoy Jon Corr as an actor, but when a character is described a certain way in a novel I prefer to see that same description on the screen as well. 

The stand out roles for me, without a doubt, were Alec and Magnus, played by Matthew Daddario and Harry Shum Jr. respectively. And not just because I am such a fan of their characters together, but because they really embodied the main personality traits their characters’ possess. Shum Jr. manages to use his dancing background to give Magnus the flair and ‘sparkle’ that he deserves, playing the magical warlock with a sharp tongue and a ‘c’est le vie’ attitude about most things with a credit to his skills. Whilst Daddario portrays a stoic and strict version of Alec that compliments his other half Magnus. He plays the leader with great authority, but shows the vulnerable side of Alec that stems from his struggles regarding sexuality and feelings in a way that makes you find him endearing and a joy to watch. 

Other members of the cast such as  Emeraude Toubia and Alberto Rosende, who bring Izzy and Simon to life on screen, really did their characters justice in their portrayals. The changes made to the character of Luke Garroway, played by Isaiah Mustafa, turning him from a bookkeeper to a detective really worked favorably for the plot-line and the story arc Image result for shadowhunters castof the entire season. The older generation of characters, the parental roles, really hold their own- they have more prominent roles than in the movie which is also something I enjoyed- to see the family aspect of the show and the novels really come to life. 

And now we move onto the two leads of the show, Jace and Clary portrayed by Dominic Sherwood and Katherine McNamara. Whilst I appreciate there can be pressure and responsibility when playing the lead in a show, something about the performances felt…flat. McNamara’s portrayal seemed forced, her facial expressions too dramatic and the words just not seeming quite natural. Physically she matches Clary from the book perfectly, but her over innocence and dramatic outbursts become tiresome fairly quickly in the series. Her chemistry with Dominic Sherwood cannot be faulted however, and when the two share the screen it really is hard to look away. They play off each other with ease- the flirtatious game Jace and Clary are known for in the first novel very clear on screen. Sherwood’s portrayal of Jace is very well done- he nails the sarcasm to a tee and he’s got the looks as well, but I don’t know if its simply because I have built a certain, very clear image of Jace in my head over the years that makes me a little bias to anyone playing him, but something seems off. I don’t know if its because Sherwood’s Jace is a lot angrier and hot tempered than I remember Jace being in the novels- he was always the ‘scary calm’ type rather than shouting his feelings. Or maybe it’s just the script itself I struggled with. 

The script had it’s ups and down for me. The plot I enjoyed immensely, because it was a nice mixture of the original text and new ideas, but the dialogue seemed overkill. There was such an information dump and obvious lines that could have been expressed with emotion or movement rather than words. It felt jarring at times, like the actors were trying to catch the audience up with all the information they needed to know so that the next scene made scene. It was a little disconcerting, and broke up the dialogue and the scene quite a bit. Above all else, it felt a little insulting to the audience, as if we needed to be spoon fed information to understand the show. I did, however, like how each character had their own story line and own issues to deal with, all whilst being tied together by the main story arc- defeating the villain Valentine, played by Alan Van Sprang. 

The costumes and styles definitely need a mention as well- what the characters wear is a huge part in the novels, ‘wearing black better than the widows of our enemies’ runs a strong theme throughout all of Clare’s shadowhunter novels, and the costume designers did not disappoint. Leather as far as the eye could see, weapons galore and more black material than you could shake a stick at- I loved it. The characters totally looked the part, and the costumes are something I cannot fault. And the wedding dress…I’ll say no more. 

And moving swiftly from the costumes to a new but not entirely unrelated topic, the settings- in particular the Shadowhunter Institute where the characters live and work- are all incredible as well. The set designers have outdone themselves, building the apartment where Clary and her mother live, the institute itself, and various other settings that help support the story line. 

The last thing I wanted to address was the changes to the original story whilst it was being adapted. There are many people out there who want the story to remain the same, to just see the original text up on the screen with no changes, and I understand that. When you love something, you don’t want to see it changed- perhaps for worse. It’s a risk the writers, and the fans, have to take when a project like this is green-lit. But personally, I liked the changes. The main events stay the same but there are many twists and turns that I really enjoyed throughout the season- it made it seem fresh and new, and gave the story another dimension. 

And, luckily for us as a fandom, the show has been picked up for a season 2, coming early 2017. I, for one, cannot wait to see where the story is going to go. 


My Younger Self

*This is a work of fiction*

I want to write to my younger self, to tell her some of the things I have learned in the years between the person I was and the person I now am. 

I would tell her to be braver. There are never more things missed than because she was not brave enough to take them. 

I would tell her to take the job- it doesn’t matter if it’s far away or will take you from the people you love. Sometimes, that’s a good thing- no matter how much you think it isn’t. It might have saved a lot of heartbreak for both of us.

I would tell her that above everyone else, she needs to be happy. Stop saying the things you think people want to hear, stop trying to be a person that you just aren’t. Or, try to be that person for real rather than simply acting. You’ll be happier for it, I’m sure. The truth is, I haven’t quite yet mastered that one. 

I would tell her to keep writing, and to DO something with it. Those plays and novels you’ve started and yet just sit there collecting dust aren’t going to do anything for you. We could be bestsellers by now, you know. 

Do more things on your own, is something I would tell my younger self. It’s OK to be on your own, regardless of how you feel. Whether its something big or something small, just go for it. You’ll never know how dependent on your independence you will have to be. 

I would tell her to let go. Of the guy, of the friendships, of the things that are unobtainable. We’re dreamers- girl, I know that, but some things are just not meant to be. It doesn’t matter how he makes you feel, or that you want to be included. It’s a harsh reality, but you needed to learn it then rather than me learning it now. 

I would also tell her to hold on. There are friends you let pass you by because you couldn’t muster the strength or energy to keep it going. That’s not OK, and your life might be richer with them in it. Find the energy, muster the courage and keep that friendship alive. They may depend on you as much as you depend on them. 

I would tell her to have an open mind, to try things. You don’t know who you are yet, you need experiences for that. So go out, and get some. But, don’t get your fringe cut- you always think it will work, and it never does. We’re just not fringe people, my dear. 

I would tell her to be patient. The diet isn’t going to happen overnight, and nor is the life you’re dreaming of. I know all about it- I remember it so clearly. I hate to break it to you, but we’re not quite there yet. But you have to work for it, and there is a difference between patience and procrastination. That dream life isn’t going to happen if you wait forever, so learn the difference. 

I would tell her to stand up for herself. Don’t let the words you’re so desperate to say get stuck at the back of your throat. Don’t sit there in silence with wide eyes and nothing to say. Speak out, because respect is worth more than acceptance. If they don’t respect you, they won’t accept you. And one lasts longer than the other. Staying silent won’t help, and will allow people to take control. Take control of your own life, little one. Don’t let anyone else think you’re OK when you’re not. It’s unhealthy, trust me. 

I would tell her to trust her instincts. Learn that not everyone is to be trusted, and to not wear your emotions on your sleeve. You have to be tougher than that if you want to get better- because otherwise you are going to go through some rough times. And they might say it makes you stronger, but trust me- it doesn’t. It just hurts like hell. Protect yourself, my darling younger self. 

I suppose it would be a letter of regrets, but also of hope. Hope that I could be a better person that I have been. Hope that if I knew then what I know now, the mistakes made wouldn’t be in vain, that they wouldn’t be so pointless. I want this letter to make a stronger and braver version of myself- one who isn’t afraid to take chances or step a little out of line. 

I want to make a happier version of me. A person who isn’t going to look back on her life and wonder ‘what if’? Two words that are completely harmless on their own but when put together have the ability to change a person’s life forever. 

So my big ‘what if’ today would be…what if I really could send this letter to myself? Would it change anything? 


‘Captain America: Civil War’ FILM REVIEW

Now, I know I’m a little behind with posting this movie review, but it felt like disrespect to the film if I didn’t. 

For those who know me, and now those of you that don’t, I am a huge comic book movie fan. I have been since the day Robert Downey, Jr graced our screens as Iron Man EIGHT years ago. I know, I know- it doesn’t seem like there was a time before these films were in our lives, but that’s the truth. And the latest in the series is ‘Captain America: Civil War’. 

Now, where to start? Not only is this a huge story arc in the comics for two of the most well known and well loved comic book superheroes, but it is also an extremely pivotal moment for the phases that Marvel Cinematic Universe are creating. It’s the start of phase three, the last of the phases and what I like to call, ‘the beginning of the end’. We have seen the origin stories, and we have seen the Avenger’s come together to for the greater good- now, we see them battle among themselves to determine what actually is ‘the greater good’ and how they are going to achieve it. 

I loved this movie, but then again, Marvel continues to live up to my expectations. It managed to create turmoil and unrest between the characters without ever making them the villains, you understood why they were fighting on the side they had chosen, and what motivated each and everyone of them. There was a great mixture of old and new faces, and no one character stole more screen time than was necessary. 

The story follows on from Avengers: Age of Ultron, and we find the camp split in two after the United Nations wants to create a government group that takes control of the Avengers and the missions they choose to take. Now, it’s a lot more complicated and thorough than that, but it’s the condensed form- plus, I don’t want to give too much away. The team is split with Captain America leading one side, whilst Iron Man heads up the other. Its a battle of friends and best intentions, and really grips you from start to finish.  

Some new faces include Black Panther and Spiderman, whilst old favourites like Ant-Man who stood strong in their stand alone movie really bring a sense of comic relief to the film. We see villains become friends, friends become enemies and many a patience tried. You spend the entire film trying to work out which side you think is right and wondering how on earth the relationships broken will ever be fixed. 

The action sequences, and there are many as per Marvel quota, deserve to be spoken about for many reasons. I cannot stand those movies where the action sequences are all the same, where there’s no mixture or diversity. Thankfully, this is not one of those movies. Each fight has a purpose, and is choreographed so brilliantly that you are on edge of your seat the entire time. One involves a motorbike, the next Captain America is clinging to the side of a building trying to stop a helicopter from taking off- it’s intense. The fight sequence in the airport is particularly breath-taking, a showcase of all the characters abilities in unique and entertaining ways. 

And the dialogue itself flows well, both a commendation to the writers and the actors. There is just enough moving moments, dramatic pauses, angry rants and surprise twists to make it a true Marvel film. Nothing is spoon fed to the audience, and there’s no big explanation where the villain describes his plans in intimate detail- the whole film keeps an edge of mystery about it, flicking between past and present until the big reveal at the end. I loved it, and that’s because I love being surprised. I’m a researcher, when I find a film or character I like I’ll read about them endlessly until I know everything- so when a film like this comes out and knocks me for ten, I love it. 

A big shout out to Chris Evans, reprising his role as Captain America, for showing a more reckless and law breaking side to his previously squeaky-clean character. There was a real dept to his character that I felt we didn’t see in previous films- the struggle to do what is right against what the law is telling him. That and his onscreen relationship with the Winter Solider, played by Sebastian Stan, really made him the stand out role for me. 

The newcomer Black Panther, portrayed by Chadwick Boseman, was another favourite of mine. A difficult role in itself, playing both a King and a superhero, whilst also having to stand tall amongst the veteran actors of Marvel, is not an easy task, yet Boseman handled it with ease and agility that made him born to play the role. I am really looking forward to the Black Panther solo film to see more of Boseman playing the role. 

To end, and put simply, a definite 2016 favourite of mine, and perhaps favourite Marvel film so far- as much as I enjoy the solo films, I love seeing the superheroes come together and this one, without Thor or Hulk sadly, really rose through the ranks for me to secure a top three placing. 


‘May Day Murder’ Book Review

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- I love a good crime novel. From the real gritty novels of Jo Nesbo to the more beachside read of Janet Evanovich, recently I cannot get enough of them. It’s an obsession. may day murder

And there is one series I am LOVING at the moment- ‘The Whitstable Pearl Mysteries’ by Julie Wassmer, ‘May Day Murder’ being the third in the series. Living in Whitstable myself, there’s a certain home pride when it comes to reading these novels, set in the picturesque seaside town in the South East of England. It’s amazing to be able to read these novels and really know the places Wassmer writes about. Of course, not everyone is from Whitstable and cannot enjoy this luxury, but that is no reason not to read them. 

Following the life of Pearl Nolan, a single mother who owns a local restaurant and has recently started up her own detective agency, we follow this remarkably likeable and down to earth character as she solves murders in her home town of Whitstable. It’s a great light read (I finished it in a day!) that is warm hearted and almost an ode to the town and the people who live there. 

Wassmer creates characters you can relate to, as well as become suspicious of. As someone who loves mystery but wants answers more, I’m always desperate to find out who the murderer is- but in this novel I was kept guessing right to the end, and was not disappointed when the killer was finally revealed. But the murder of Faye Marlow, big Hollywood star coming back to her birth town for the May Day celebrations yet instead causes old memories and conflicts to arise, is not the only mystery that is revealed by Pearl and her detective love interest Mike McGuire throughout the story. It’s a real nail-biter, trust me.  

The story is a lovely mixture of mystery, crime, romance and family values that when combined creates a wonderful world to read about. It’s a picturesque novel that is thoroughly enjoyable and proves that these characters, and the world that Wassmer has created within Whitstable, has so much more to give. With 20 years of writing gritty scripts for Eastenders under her belt, Wassmer has chosen to write her prose with a lighter and warmer feel, and that even though the story is about murder, you still get the feeling that everything will work out in the end, that Pearl and her little comfortable life she’s living in Whitstable with her son and her mother Dolly (my personal favourite character) will spread out through the pages and bring some calm and tranquility into your own life.  

My only criticism of the piece was that there was so much focus on trying to keep the murderer a secret, from both the characters and the readers, that the various twists and reveals with regards to the other characters sometimes felt a little obvious. I’m not going to give anything away, heaven forbid I reveal any spoilers, but maybe I’ve just read too many crime novels all in one go that I could guess the secrets before the reveal. But what I figured out quite easily was made up for in the huge shocker of who the murderer was. Did not see that one coming! 

I would highly recommend reading this series, whether you’re from Whitstable or not, just for the light easy read it offers and the thrilling suspense of finding out ‘whodunnit’. I’ve already given at least four of my friends my copies and passed the name on to so many more. 

And now I’m recommending it to you, so get reading! 


He Cries

*This is a work of fiction.*

After my mother died, I changed. I don’t remember doing so; I was barely two years old at the time. But my life was changed.

            I think about what my life could have been like, if she had lived. Would I have cut my hair in that particular style? Would I weigh as much as I currently do?

            Would I be happier?

            Would I even still be here?

             I go to a dark place with these thoughts. I fight a lot. I get in trouble, all the goddamn time. Mainly for my profanity. My dad would be called into the office, the head-teacher would lecture us both and then when we got into the car he would cry. He cries a lot, I don’t know why. Then I start to question what he used to be like, before Mum died. Did he smile more, and act more easy-going? Would he have a beard or be a chain smoker if she was still here? I’ll never know. But I see him, or at least see through his shell to the emptiness within. He’ll do anything for an easy life, and when it gets tough- he cries.

We rarely talk, not just about Mum but about anything anymore. Not that we ever did before, but now that I’ve hit teenage years he’s drawn back even further, almost as if he is afraid of me. Maybe I remind him of Mum, and that’s why he keeps his distance. The way I tilt my head when I’m confused or only eat apples at the weekend, all just painful reminders of a women he once loved and lost. Or the reasons why he cries.

He took me for coffee the first time I got called into the head masters lair. I had just said ‘fuck’ for the first time at Susie Dickens because she stole my thought about Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and acted like it had been her own. Not only did the teacher commend her, but he didn’t believe me. Hence ‘fuck’, followed by a ‘you’.

That time my father didn’t cry, he just seemed disappointed. That is worse, because then you feel like shit and there is nothing to do. When someone cries you can get a tissue, or make tea. Tea fixes everything.

            ‘What’s going on?’ that’s was his opening line.

            ‘What do you mean?’ I parry back.

            ‘This isn’t like you,’ he said. I swiped a lick of foam onto my finger and suck on it.

            ‘How do you know? It could be me, just not the ‘me’ right now.’


            ‘There could be a thousand ‘me’s’, all out there struggling to be dominant. You’re a mechanic, think of this as a test drive.’

            ‘Well, I think this model is faulty.’ We both get our sarcasm from the same place, his father. Unfortunately it never skips a generation. I would have laughed, but the mood seemed to suggest not to. 

            ‘I could just be getting on the road.’ That’s when the disappointment showed. I think he wanted me to be remorseful, sorry for what I had done. He wanted me to be the perfect new model. But when a tragedy strikes, it travels through time. Time can heal wounds but also makes new ones. I made decisions I wouldn’t have if Mum was here. If she had been, I may not have said ‘fuck’ at all. And if she had been here Dad and I would have a relationship opposite to what we do now. I’d be a whole different me.

After I explained Dad didn’t say anything, but that night was the first time I saw him cry.

‘Me Before You’ Book Review

The course of true love never did run smooth. And it’s an idea that writers have been running with for hundreds of years. From star crossed lovers to the friend-zoned comedy relief, it’s a tried and tested method to a great love story filled with enough twists and turns to keep us interested. 

And my new obsession is another of these stories- the wonderful novel ‘Me Before You’ by Jo Jo Moyes. Told from the perspective of a young woman recently out of a job desperately searching for another to keep her family afloat. 

Set in a picturesque English town, she stumbles across a job being a carer for a recently disabled man. Now, like most love stories, you know how the basics play out. A somewhat reclusive and bad tempered young man comes into contact with a bright, bubbly, colourful young girl and they inspire one another to become better, more well rounded versions of themselves. But this novel is so much more than simply that. It’s a tale thats been told before with a completely fresh and inspired twist. 

It’s hard not to fall in love with the young Louisa, who is so much more than the ditzy eccentric woman you believe her to be at the beginning of the novel. And as we see the world through her eyes, the people around her capture your heart as they do hers. Will Traynor, the man who two years prior to the novel finds himself trapped in a wheelchair unable to move from the neck down, is less than pleased when his mother hires Louisa to be his carer and companion, knowing full well of her true motives. 

The book hits you with heart felt revelations and surprises throughout the story, capturing you with well written and thoughtful prose as well as a beautiful character to experience the novel with. I was in a bit of a reading funk before I found this book, struggling to find something that really caught my attention and made me want to stop doing anything apart from just read one page after another…and then this gem came along. It really captures you from the first page, one of only about six to be told from Will’s perspective but riddled with foreshadowing and cliffhangers that get you hooked. The point of view then changes to Louisa’s for the rest of the novel, and we get to see the repercussions of the first few pages through her eyes. 

The novel is well paced and progresses nicely from Louisa’s comfort zone and into the unknown. Louisa is our guide, she experiences things as the readers do. This is a comfort to a novel that touches upon a lot of topics that can be hard to talk about, such as disablement or suicide. Moyes write about such matters in a way that enlightens and informs the reader yet still allows the magic of the love story to shine through. It’s a practical romantic novel, one of my favourite kinds. 

Overall it was a refreshing and fun novel full of heart and gloriously romantic. A must read for anyone who needs a little love in their life. 

And for those who aren’t big readers, have no fear! The wonderful people at Hollywood have made a movie version for us all to enjoy, coming this June! So we can all enjoy Will and Louisa’s story on the big screen as well. Just don’t forget your tissues, because you will get weepy. 
